Email Marketing | NCR Silver NCR Silver
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A number of email tips exist to assist you in creating a powerful and effective email marketing campaign. At CUSTOMERS > EMAIL MARKETING, you can find tips, such as ‘Creating Powerful Promotions,’ ‘Appealing Subject Lines,” and ‘Evaluating Effectiveness.’

NCR Silver Pro Restaurant also provides tools to help you track the success of your email messages.
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When you log in to Silver Back Office, the system directs you to the Activity Summary page. At the right side of the screen, the system provides you with a quick snapshot regarding the effectiveness of your Email Campaigns over the previous six months.
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Click VIEW MORE to access the Customer Dashboard to see a graphical chart depicting the success of your email messages over the previous six months.

In addition to these snapshots, you can access specific reports, and configure a time period for which to evaluate the success of your email marketing messages. Refer to Bulk Email Report in Silver Pro Restaurant.

See also:

Designing the Email Messages
Adding a 'From' Email Address
Working with Market to Customers Email Messages
Working with Welcome Email Messages
Working with Miss You Email Messages
Working with Send Receipts via Email