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If you employ multiple devices in your restaurant, you must use a server with the Silver Server software. When using devices in conjunction with a server, you have the option to operate the device in online mode or offline mode. The default mode for devices is the online mode; however, when a devices loses a connection to the server, you can use the offline mode to continue operations in your restaurant. It is possible for one device to maintain a connection to the server, while another device loses connection to the server. For example, your restaurant may include a bar with poor or no WiFi signal. You can use both devices, albeit with certain parameters.
Tip: If the server status color changes to red, make sure your server is running and check the wireless connection of the device to ensure your device is on the same WiFi as the server.

Understanding Online and Offline Mode

The following provides an overview of the mode options and the functions you can perform.
Online mode — Allows you to read and edit orders and shifts created on any device in online mode.
Offline mode — Allows you to read and edit orders and shifts created on the device in offline mode, but only allows you to read orders that were created in online mode. While in the offline mode, the device does not attempt to sync data with the server. The device stays in offline mode until an employee returns the device to online mode. When working in offline mode, one of two status options appear:
Offline Mode — The device is running in offline mode and the server is not available.
Offline Mode, Server Reachable — The device is operating in offline mode, but the server is now available. While in ‘Offline Mode, Server Reachable,’ orders created on the device in offline mode appear as read-only to a device in online mode. With this status mode, any employee can choose to return the device to online mode and synchronize the data, or keep the device in offline mode and return it to online mode at a later time.

When a Device Becomes Disconnected from the Server

If the server status color changes to red, the device has become disconnected from the server. The following occurs:
  • The system prevents an employee from editing orders or adding new orders while the device is disconnected from the server.
  • The device continually seeks to reconnect to the server.
  • To use the device while it is disconnected from the server, a manager, or an employee with the appropriate access level, must put the device in offline mode.