Back Office In Depth | NCR Silver NCR Silver
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Managing Your Account

You can manage your account through the Back Office. 

NOTE: When the credit card you are using to pay for your subscription is about to expire, we will notify you to update the information. If the credit card expires, when you log in to the Back office, you will be required to update your payment information before being allowed full access to the Back Office. If you are paying by ACH, and there is an issue with your bank account, you will also be required to update your payment information before being allowed full access to the Back Office.

account overview ncr silver

To view information about your account:


  1. Click on your user name near the top-right corner of the screen. 
  2. Click My Account. The system will display the My Account screen.
  3. Do one of the following:
  • Click My Stores to view the stores in your account (primarily used by our multi-store customers).
  • Click My Devices view the POS devices registered to your account.

This screen shows you:


  • Your account number
  • Your active subscription number
  • Your account status
  • How long you have been a customer
  • The number of stores in your account (multi-store customers only)
  • The number of POS devices registered to your account
  • Rate plan
  • Client ID
  • Client secret code (for third-party integrations)

Click the links below to learn more about managing your account:

You can also click the Purchase Terms and Conditions link to review that information as needed.