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Scenario 1: Set Up a Primary Tax Category

When we first see the Taxes screen, it looks like this.  Notice that our company name is listed as our Location Name.  This was done when we initially registered our account.  It is our default or "home" location.  We won't be able to edit or delete this location name.   You may also notice that we already have the default tax category of No Tax set up for us.

User-added image

We are a cafe, so we need to set up a tax category for Food and then enter the tax rate for Fulton County GA.  To do this, we click ADD A TAX CATEGORY and set up a tax category named Food and make it our default tax category, since we sell food items, and click Done.

User-added image

Then, we click in the box below our new Food tax category and enter the food tax of 5.25% for Fulton County, GA and click Save.  When we're done, our Taxes screen looks like this.  If you see any small, red triangles, they show you where information on the screen has changed since the last save.

User-added image

That's it!  Our taxes are all set up, and we are ready to start entering our items in our inventory.  Remember, we made Food our default tax category, so all the items we create will be automatically assigned to the Food tax category.  However, if we have some items that are not taxed, we can simply click the Tax Category dropdown for that item and change the tax category from Food to No Tax.


Back to Multiple Selling Locations Tutorial Overview


Proceed with Scenario 2: Set Up Selling Locations

Keywords: Tax categories, set up taxes