If you decrease the quantity to 0, the item is automatically removed from the ticket. |
The quickest way to change the quantity of an item you have already added to a sale on an iPad is to locate the item line on the Ticket screen and tap the number in the white box. The system will display a numeric popup screen. Select the new quantity and tap Done.
Alternately, you could also:
Tap the line item and then either:
Tap to decrease the quantity by one
Tap to increase the quantity by one
If you have modifiers set up, tapping the item line will take you straight to the Modify Item screen, simply tap More Functions to go to the item's detail screen. |
Tap Done.
To change the quantity of an item you have already added to a ticket:
Tap to display the ticket.
Tap the item in the ticket to display the item detail screen.
Tap the and
buttons to change the quantity.
Tap Ticket to return to the ticket.