Settings SPR | NCR Silver NCR Silver
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Accessing the Device Settings 

The POS contains configuration settings specific to each device. If you have more than one device, it may be necessary to configure some of these settings on each device. 

  1. Log in to the POS to access the POS home screen, from which you access the device settings. 


  1. Tap Slide out button  to display the slide out menu. 

Settings screen  

  1. Tap Settings. If your user role allows you to access the Settings screen, the Settings screen appears, and you can view and edit settings for the device. 


If your user role does not permit you to access the Settings screen, the ‘Supervisor’s approval needed’ screen appears. 

 Open Settings Approval Needed
It is necessary for you to obtain manager authorization. 

See also: 
Viewing Data Sync 
Defining Check Close Options 
Configuring Customer Prompt 
Configuring Online Order Processing on an iPad 
Arranging the Point of Sale Buttons 
Configuring Printers for a Device