Orders and Checks | NCR Silver NCR Silver
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Working with Gratuities 

A gratuity is an additional charge to the customer usually added for a large party. 

Adding a Gratuity to a Guest Check 

  1. With the guest check active, tap PAY, located at the bottom of the guest check. The tender screen appears. 

  1. Tap Gratuity. The Gratuity screen appears with the cursor active in Percent. The last three percentage values entered on the device appear under Percent. Initially, the POS app defaults to 15%, 18%, and 20%. 


  1. Tap a pre-set gratuity percentage. 


Enter a different gratuity percentage and tap Done


Tap Amount, located at the top of the screen, to enter a dollar amount. Enter the dollar amount and tap Done

The gratuity appears as a line item in the bottom of the guest check.
  gratuity on check

Changing the Gratuity on a Guest Check  

  1. With the guest check active, tap the Gratuity line item located in the bottom of the guest check. The Gratuity screen appears. 

  1. Enter a new percentage or dollar amount. 

  1. Tap Done

Removing a Gratuity from a Ticket

  1. With the guest check active, tap the Gratuity line item located at the bottom of the guest check. The Gratuity screen appears. 

  1. Tap Clear and then tap Done. The app removes the gratuity from the check.