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NCR Silver Commerce: Tip Settings for Checkout Experience

NOTE: This feature requires that you use the SecurePay gateway for payment processing.

To enable the ability for your customers to easily add tip at checkout when online ordering to support your business:

  1. Select ECOMMERCE > Tip Settings 


    ncr silver commerce tip settings


  2. Set up your Tip Settings by selecting the box to enable tipping for your store.


    enable tips ncr silver commerce


    NOTE: Your tip settings will default to “No Tip”, “10%”, “15%”, “20%”, “Custom Tip”, but you also have the option to customize the tip amounts. You can do this by replacing the current amounts and entering the new tip percentages in the input fields below.


    tip percentages ncr silver commerce


  3. Once complete, click Save and your tips will be displayed on your website when checking out. 

Example below:

User-added image