Promotions are special offers that are designed to promote specific products and/or generate sales.
Promotions & Discounts: What’s the difference?
A promotion is automatically applied to items as you add them to a ticket based on the rules and promotion rankings you define in the Back Office. A discount has to be manually applied to an item or ticket.
A promotion and a discount cannot both be applied to an item at the same time. Promotions are item level discounts (not ticket level). If you attempt to manually apply a discount to an item to which a promotion has already been applied, you will receive a message indicating that a promotion has already been applied. If you continue and apply the discount to the item, the promotion will be removed and the ticket will be recalculated for promotions, excluding that item.
- Buy One Get One Free
- Buy three for the price of two
- Buy 10 items get each at $1 OFF
How are promotions applied?
Promotions are applied to the ticket in the order you rank them in the back office. So the highest rank promotion is applied first. Then the next highest ranked promotion that the remaining items on the ticket qualify for is applied, and so on. You can change the rank of a promotion by clicking Sort Order and asking a number to each active promotion (1 being the top ranked).
- Items included in multiple promotions
An item can only be used in one promotion at a time. If an item qualifies for more than one promotion, we will use the promotion rankings to determine which promotion to apply to the item.
If items included in a promotion are different prices, the promotion discount will always be applied to the lowest-priced item.
First, items that qualify for the highest ranked promotion are grouped together. Then this group of items is sorted by price from highest to lowest. The promotion discount is then applied to the correct item. The process is repeated for all remaining items on the ticket that did not qualify for the first promotion using the next highest ranked promotion.
Example: Buy Any 3 Items for the price of 2
How to set up a promotion
- Log in to the Back Office.
- Click Add a Promotion.
- Fill out the fields described below:
- Name: Name of the promotion (up to 25 characters); required
- External ID: Allows for external linking; optional
- Effective Dates: Start and stop dates the promotion is in effect; required
- POS Active: Is the promotion currently available? For single-site merchants this is a flag; for multi-store merchants, this is replaced with an "Assign Stores" button that allows you to choose which stores use the promotion.
- Buy Rule Qty: Set how many items must be purchased to qualify for the discount. NOTE: You must include all the items that must be purchased, including the discounted items (i.e. three items must be purchased for a buy three for the price of two).
- Items: Set of items a customer must purchase from; items are assigned using a pop up.

- Click ASSIGN to select departments, categories, items or items at the variation level to assign to the promotion.

- Mix/Match: Flag whether the items must be like items or if they can be mix and match (i.e. buy any three calendars or buy three of the same calendars). If like items must be purchased to qualify for the discount, leave this box unchecked. If any of the assigned items can be purchased together, turn this option on.
- Discount Qty: Set how many items get discounted (i.e. for a BOGO or Buy 3 for 2, only 1 item would be discounted. For a buy 5 for the price of 3, then 2 items would be discounted 100%)
- Discount Type: Set the amount of the discount (either a percent off or an amount off).
- Percent Off/Amount Off: The amount or percent the item is discounted by.
How do you know when a promotion has been applied?
On the POS, when you have added all required items to a ticket in order to qualify for a promotion, the promotion discount will automatically appear under the item name of the item that is being discounted.
Every change to items on a ticket will trigger a recalculation of applied promotions. Changes include:- Add item
- Remove item
- Increase or decrease the quantity for an item
- Change the variation on an item
- Add or remove an item discount
- Add or remove a ticket discount
What happens when someone returns an item that was part of a Promotion?
The discount that was applied at the time of purchase will be prorated equally across all items in the promotion and each item returned will include that item's portion of the discount in the refund amount.
For example, for a “Buy 3 for the Price of 2” promotion where a customer bought three calendars for $6 each, they would have paid $6 each for two of the calendars, and received one free. If the customer returns one of the $6 calendars, they would be refunded $4 ($6 minus the $2 of the discount applied to each item).