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The Bulk Email report provides an analysis to assist you in evaluating the success of your bulk email campaign over a selected time period. The report provides information such as the total number of customers to which you sent a marketing email message, the number of customers who opened your email message, the number of offers redeemed from the offer in your marketing email message, and the total dollar amount of sales generated by your email campaign.
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1HeaderHeader includes:
  • The name and address of the store.
  • The selected time period for the report.
  • The name of the report.
2Date Email SentThe date you sent the email message.
3Email SubjectThe subject of the email.
4Number SentThe total number of email messages sent to your customers.
5Number OpenedThe total number of email messages opened by your customers.
6Discount NameThe name of the discount offer included in the email message.
7Qty. RedeemedThe total number of discounts redeemed.
8Total Ticket SalesThe total amount of sales generated by your email marketing message.