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The Items report displays all of the items on your menu according to category. The report defaults to ‘All’ items; however, you can filter the report to display specific categories. You can also filter the report to include the variations for a menu item.
  1. On the Reports menu, select Items. The system generates a report for All Items.
  2. Click User-added image to display a drop-down list of categories by which you can filter the report.
  3. Click User-added image in the Report Preview toolbar to refresh the data. The report appears in the Report Preview screen.
User-added image

1HeaderHeader includes:
  • The name and address of the store.
  • The name of the report.
2CategoryThe name of the category.
3Item NameThe name of the item.
4DescriptionThe description of the item.
5Menu ItemIdentifies if the item is a menu item.
6ModifierIdentifies if the item is a modifier item.
7BarcodeIdentifies the barcode associated with the item.
8Prompt for PriceIdentifies if the system is to prompt employees to enter a price for the item.
9PriceThe price of the item.
10Sold by Weight/MeasureIdentifies if you sell the item by weight/measure.
11Tax CategoryThe tax category for the item.
12Available for Sale on POSIdentifies if the item is actively available for sale in your restaurant.
13Printer GroupThe name of the printer group assigned to the item.