You can quickly close a guest check to cash, credit card, or gift card. You can also save a credit card to a guest check to allow a customer to run a tab, as you might do in a bar environment.
Closing a Check to Cash
- With the guest check active, tap PAY to access the tender screen.
 | Note: If the checks for the table are split, select the correct ticket before you apply the payment. The selected ticket number appears in green. |
- Tap a quick cash amount. The change due amount appears in the guest check. Continue to step three.
Tap Cash. The ‘Amount’ screen appears. Enter the amount received and tap Done. The change due amount appears in the guest check.
- Tap Close to close the check.
In Table Service, the system advances to the next ticket for the table, or if there are no other checks to close for the table, the floor plan screen appears.
In Quick Service, the order entry screen appears.
Closing a Check to a Credit Card
- With the guest check active, tap PAY to access the tender screen.
- Slide the credit card through the card reader to charge the entire amount to the card.
Tap Credit Card to enter the amount to charge to the card. Enter the amount to charge to the credit card, tap Done, then slide the credit card through the card reader.
- Have the customer sign the signature screen with his or her finger, or a stylus, if prompted. The customer can add a tip while on the signature screen. Tap Accept, and then tap Close.
Have the customer sign a printed receipt, if prompted. Tap Accept, and then tap Close.
Closing a Check to a Gift Card
With an Internet connection, you can apply a gift card as payment for a guest check.
If you lack an Internet connection, or if the payment host is offline or unreachable, NCR Silver Pro Restaurant cannot process gift cards for payments on guest checks. The app must be able to connect to the payment host to verify the gift card and the funds available. Credit card payments, if you use Offline Credit, are available to use without an Internet connection, but gift cards are not. When you attempt to apply the gift card, you receive a ‘No connection’ error message.
When a gift card no longer contains any funds to apply to a guest check, the system displays an authorization error and does not allow the use of the gift card. Additionally, when the system does not recognize the gift card number, the system displays an authorization error and does not allow the use of the gift card.
With the guest check active, tap PAY to access the ‘tender’ screen.
Slide the gift card through the MSR, confirm the amount to apply to the gift card or enter a different amount, and tap Done.
Tap INTGIFT, confirm the amount to apply to the gift card or enter a different amount, and tap Done. Slide the gift card through the MSR, or tap Enter manually, type the gift card number, and tap Submit.
The system authorizes the card for payment.
If the system authorizes the gift card for the selected amount, tap Close.
If the gift card lacks sufficient funds to cover the selected amount, an authorization message appears with the funds available on the gift card to apply for payment. Tap OK, and receive an additional form of payment or remove items from the guest check.
You have the option to use the iPad's device’s camera to scan QR-coded gift cards (like from a third party loyalty application). Press Camera on the gift card payment screen, and scan the QR code with the camera. The gift card number will populate and you can proceed.
Closing a Check to a House Account
Prior to closing a check to a house account, you must first create the house account in Silver Back Office. When searching for a house account, you search by the linked customer name rather than the house account name. Additionally, without an Internet connection to Silver Back Office, you cannot close a check to a house account.
- At the order entry screen, after you have added items to the guest check, tap PAY.
- Tap House Account. The customers screen appears.
- Type the customer name linked to the house account. A list of customer results appears.
- Tap the customer name.
- Confirm the amount to charge to the house account and tap Done. The name of the house account appears on the house account tender line.
NOTE: If you wish to change the house account selected, first remove the house account payment from the ticket. Then, tap the customer name on the top left of the screen. The customer screen appears. Tap remove customer from ticket.
- Tap Close.