POS Settings | NCR Silver NCR Silver
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Add a Customer to a Sale

Each new sale is assigned to the default "walk-in customer", but you can easily assign a sale to a specific customer by looking up a customer record at any point during the transaction.

On the POS: Up to 25,000 customers are stored locally on the point-of-sale device. If your store's customer list is over 25,000, the remaining customers will be stored on the cloud, based on date of their last visit. When searching for customers on the POS, you can tap the option to search more on the cloud option.

NOTE: If a customer is already assigned to a ticket, you can replace the customer by searching and assigning a new one.

Assigning a customer to a sale allows you to:

  • Track your customers' purchase history
  • Know customer preferences
  • Market to your customers using the integrated email features in the Back Office
  • Track points/punches earned for Loyalty rewards
  1. From the Ticket Entry screen, tap the Customer tab. If you are not on a ticket, you can open the Slide-Out Menu then tap the customer lookup function.

  2. Enter customer name, address, phone number or email into the search by to identify customer.

  3. You can view customer details in the right hand panel.

  4. Tap Assign to attach the customer to the ticket.

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  5. After you assign a customer to a ticket, when you tap Recall/Reprint, the system will return tickets for that customer.

  • You can also search for a customer using the to camera by scanning a barcode or QR code. Look for the camera icon throughout the app and allow Silver Essentials to access your camera to get started. 

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