Manager Functions | NCR Silver NCR Silver
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You can also export POS Transactions into a .csv file. When you click Export Transactions, two download files are created: Ticket Detail.csv and POS Trans.csv.

POS Trans.csv contains details such as Date/Time, Ticket Number, Transaction Type, Customer Name, Customer Number, Operator Name, Station, Selling Location, Gross Subtotal, Discounts/Promos, Tax, Tip, Total, Tendered, Change, and Method of Payment (MOP).

Ticket Detail.csv contains details such as Date/Time, Ticket Number, Item Name, Description, Quantity, Sold by, Line Type, Line Discount, Ticket Discount, and Final Sales Price.

To export POS Transactions:
  1. Select RESULTS > POS Transactions.
  2. Click Export Transactions. POS Trans.csv and Ticket Detail.csv download to your computer.