Company Store Information | NCR Silver NCR Silver
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Access the settings menu from the Back Office to configure your company information and settings.

Company Information

Back Office pre-populates the company information with the information entered when your account was created.

  1. Select Settings > Company Information.

.User-added image
  1. Review and edit the Country of operation to change Localization settings such as currency indicators, address and date/time formats.
  2. Review and edit the name, phone number, and email address for the primary contact person for your company, if necessary.
  3. Review and edit the business name, if necessary.
  4. Type the Web site URL for your company. The system displays the Web site URL on receipts you print and email.
  5. Type the email address to use for email marketing. The system displays this email address as the ‘From’ email address in any email marketing messages.
  6. Click Save.

Company Options

Company options are all optional to meet your business needs.
  1. Click Company Options on the left side of the screen.

User-added image

  1. Select Enable Drawer Checkout (by user role). Drawer checkout enables you to assign multiple users to the same cash drawer and to have your employees enter a starting and ending bank amount. If you do not plan to use Drawer Checkout, leave this option blank.
    1. If you enable Drawer Checkout, you must also access EMPLOYEES > USER ROLES and update your user role settings to enable a user role for drawer checkout.
  2. Type the maximum number of users per cash drawer.
  3. Click Ask for starting bank to require the POS to prompt employees to enter a starting bank amount.
  4. Click Ask for ending bank to require the POS to prompt employees to enter an ending bank amount.
  5. Click Allow Multiple Drawer Shifts to allow cashiers to open drawer shifts on multiple cash drawers. This allows them to complete transactions from multiple devices, on multiple drawers.  
  6. Select Print non-priced modifiers on guest check to have non-priced modifiers not appear on customer receipts. They will only appear on kitchen chits.
  7. Click Save.