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The Discounts and Promos report provides you with an overview of the discounts and promotions redeemed in your restaurant for the selected time period. You can use this report to identify the sales generated by your discounts and promotions. You can filter the report by 'All Discounts & Promotions,' 'Employees,' 'Devices,' or 'Barcodes.'
  1. On the Reports menu, select Discounts and Offers. The system generates a report for all discounts and offers. 
  2. Click User-added image to display a drop-down list from which you can select a filter. 
  3. ClickUser-added image in the Report Preview toolbar to refresh the data. The report appears in the Report Preview screen.
User-added image

1HeaderHeader includes:
  • The name and address of the store.
  • The selected time period for the report.
  • The name of the report.
2TypeThe type of discount or promotion.
3Promo/Discount NameThe name of the discount or promotion.
4Applies ToIdentifies whether the discount or promotion applied to an item on the check or to the entire ticket.
5Item QuantityThe total number of items discounted.
6Sales Before DiscountThe total amount of sales prior to applying discounts.
7Reduction AmountThe total amount of the discounts applied.
8Sales After DiscountThe total amount of sales after applying discounts or promotions.
9Ticket Total After DiscountThe total amount after applying discounts or promotions.

See also:
Using the Reports in Silver Back Office