Customer Dashboard
The key to maximizing your email marketing campaigns is to capture your customers' email addresses. This key piece of data will help you know who your customers are, how much they spend, and how often they come back. Use this valuable information to target your marketing campaigns.

To view your customer tracking and marketing campaigns over the past six months:
- Select the MY STORE tab.
NOTE: An email campaign needs to be created and sent before information is displayed on this page.
This screen is made up of four sections:
- Email Marketing
- Bulk Email Results
- Top 10 Customers
- Subscribed Customers
Email Marketing
The Email Marketing section displays key information for the results of your various email campaigns for the past six months. This graphic allows you to quickly see how effective each of your email marketing campaigns are by telling you how many customers you reached and the total sales generated based on your email marketing. To change which campaign to display, click the campaign name: Bulk Email, Welcome Email or Miss You Email.Bulk Email Results

The left side of the screen shows the Total Customers Reached and the Total Sales Generated from your Bulk Emails. On the right side of the screen, you will see the name of your bulk email, along with key information for the bulk email campaign. You can see how many bulk emails you sent and the resulting sales from each bulk email sent.
Click the Send Bulk Email button to begin a new bulk email campaign. The system will display the Bulk Email setup screen.
Welcome Email Results
The left side of the screen shows the Total Customers Reached.
- The blue bar shows how many welcome emails you've sent.
- The green bar shows how many customers have opened the welcome emails you've sent.
- The purple bar shows how many people have redeemed your welcome email offer in your store.
Click the Turn On Welcome Email button or Edit Welcome Email button to edit your welcome email. The system will display the Welcome setup screen.
Miss You Email Results
The left side of the screen shows the Total Customers Reached and the Total Sales Generated from your miss you emails. On the right side of the screen, you will see key information for the miss you email campaign. You can see how many Miss You emails you sent and the resulting sales from each miss you email sent.
- The blue bar shows how many Miss You Emails you've sent.
- The green bar shows how many customers have opened the Miss You Emails you've sent.
- The purple bar shows how many people have redeemed your Miss You Email offer in your store.
Click the Turn on Miss You Email button or Edit Miss You Email button to edit your miss you email. The system will display the Miss You Email setup screen.
Click the Turn on Miss You Email button or Edit Miss You Email button to edit your miss you email. The system will display the Miss You Email setup screen.
Top 10 Customers
The Top Customers (Top 10) list displays your top 10 customers in terms of $ Spent. You can sort the list by the $ Spent, the number of Visits, the date of their Last Visit.

Subscribed Customers
The Subscribed Customers dashboard shows how effectively you are capturing this crucial information. This dashboard shows:
- Your overall percentage of customer emails captured (Subscribed Customers)
- The percentage of customers that you have captured email addresses in the last three months (Conversions)
- The blue portion of the graph identifies the number of walk-in customers
- The darker blue portion of the graph identifies the number of customers where you did not capture an email address.
- The lighter blue portion of the graph identifies the number of customers where you have captured an email address.
Keywords: customers, marketing campaigns, customer subscriptions, miss you emails, email marketing, loyalty tracking