iPad Settings for Silver Pro Restaurant | NCR Silver NCR Silver
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You can control the devices allowed to process online orders, which can prevent multiple devices from downloading the same orders for preparation. By default, the system activates the feature for all devices. If you want to restrict the devices processing online orders, you must turn off the feature on those devices.

On the iPad you set to process online orders, set the iPad Auto-Lock feature to 'Never' to ensure the iPad remains awake and receives incoming online orders. 
  1. At the SETTINGS screen, under ‘ORDER ENTRY,’ tap Order entry options. The Order Entry Options screen appears.
  2. Swipe the Process online orders button to the left to prevent the device from downloading online orders for processing.
To allow the device to download online orders for processing, swipe the Process online orders button to the right.
  1. Tap Settings to return to the Settings screen.