About Back Office Reports
Back Office reports provide an in-depth view of your business metrics. To access these reports, click Results > Reports.
Reports are categorized by Operations, Sales, Customers, and Lists. All of the reports, except for lists, allow you to customize the time period for the report. You can either print reports or export the reports into several different formats.
The following Back Office reports, by category, are available:
Store Summary - Provides you with a summary of your sales activity for a selected time period.
Device Activity - Enables you to review the sales activity entered through each device.
Employee Activity - Enables you to review the sales activity entered by each employee.
Location Activity - Enables you to review the sales activity for each location.
Discounts and Promos - Provides you with an overview of the discounts and promotions redeemed in your establishment.
Taxes - Provides you with a breakdown of the taxes collected by tax jurisdiction.
Labor Shifts - Enables you to review the times your employees clock in and out and the total hours worked for a selected time period.
Tips - Provides a report of the total amount of credit card tips declared by an employee.
Offline Credit - Enables you to review the offline credit transactions and their settlement status.
Void Audit - Provides you with a list and amount of the voided and cleared items entered by each employee according to date and transaction.
Department Sales - Enables you to track the sales activity for each department.
Item Sales - Enables you to track the sales activity for each item.
Department Sales - Enables you to track the sales activity for each department.
Item Sales - Enables you to track the sales activity for each item.
Modifier Sales - Enables you to track the sales activity for each modifier.
Sales Summary - Provides you with an overview of your sales and enables you to look for sales trends.
Hourly Sales - Provides you with a breakdown of your sales by hour and enables you to look for sales trends.
Bulk Email - Enables you to track the effectiveness of your marketing email messages.
Customer Notes - Displays the notes entered for your customers.
Customer Sales - Provides you with a sales summary by customer.
House Accounts - Provides you with a list of house accounts.
House Accounts Activity - Enables you to view the activity for all of your house accounts.
Items - Displays all of the items on your menu according to category.
Modifiers – Displays all of the modifiers sold in the selected date range. Also shows all modifiers sold, whether they have a price associated with them or not.
Customers - Displays a list of all of your customers.
Employees - List Displays a list of active employees with their user role and contact information.
Devices - Displays a list of all devices associated with your establishment.
See also: