Printers Setup Configuration | NCR Silver NCR Silver
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Loading Receipt Paper in the Model 200 Receipt Printer

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  1. Press down the blue button on the top of the printer.

  2. Drop a roll of 2.25 inch receipt paper into the compartment with the end of the roll coming from underneath.   User-added image

  3. Pull an inch or two of paper through the slot of the printer before closing the lid.   


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With the printer turned on, press the Paper Feed button to test that the paper is loaded correctly.,/p>

The receipt printer paper is 2.25" x 50' thermal receipt paper.  You can purchase this at an office supply store or from NCR.  You can call 1-877-630-9711 to order the kit, or you can click on your user name in the upper-right corner of the screen and select Buy Hardware to order the kit from the NCR website.

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keywords: printer, load printer paper, receipt printer, printing, load model 200,