Credit Processor Connection | NCR Silver NCR Silver
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On a device without an Internet connection, you can view and manage the offline credit transactions in need of submission for merchant processor approval.

The Pending Credit screen contains credit payments which have not been authorized by the credit processor.

When you return to an Internet connection, the system submits the credit card transactions for approval. It is not necessary to log in to the POS app as long as the app is active.


Viewing Pending Offline Credit Transactions on the POS

  1. Log in to NCR Silver Pro to access the POS home screen.
  2. Tap User-added image to display the slide out menu.
  3. Tap Pending Credit. The Pending Credit Transactions screen appears and you can view the offline credit card transactions entered on the device that have not yet been approved. The screen also includes the total amount of offline credit transactions entered on the device.
User-added image
  1. Tap Close to exit the Pending Credit Transactions screen.

Managing Pending Offline Credit Card Transactions on the POS


When the credit card processor approves a pending offline credit card payment, the POS removes the payment from the Pending Credit screen. For pending credit payments which the processor does not approve, an explanation appears under the credit card number. You may continue to retry the payment or delete it.

Deleting a pending offline credit card payment removes the payment from the transaction, but it does not void the POS transaction. Furthermore, once you delete the credit card payment, there is no way to retrieve the credit card information.

To resubmit a pending credit card payment for authorization:

  1. Tap User-added image to display the slide out menu.
  2. Tap Pending Credit.

User-added image

  1. Tap Retry for the credit card payment you want to resubmit to the credit card processor. A prompt appears.
  2. Tap OK. The POS submits the credit card payment to the processor. If the processor approves the payment, the POS removes the credit card payment from the Pending Credit screen. You will be able to see the authorization in Credit Settlement in Silver Back Office. If the processor declines the credit card, a prompt appears. Tap OK.

To delete an offline credit card payment:

In some instances, such as a card being declined, it may be necessary to delete an offline credit card payment. Proceed with caution. Once you delete the credit card payment, you will no longer be able to retrieve the credit card data.

  1. Tap User-added image to display the slide out menu.
  2. Tap Pending Credit.
  3. Tap Delete next to the credit card payment you want to remove. A prompt appears.
  4. Tap OK. The POS removes the credit card payment from the Pending Credit screen.