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Setting Up and Editing User Roles


The User Roles screen allows you to customize what features each of the pre-defined roles (Time Clock Only, Cashier, Cashier Plus, Store Manager, and Account Manager) can access on both the POS app and the Back Office.  Simply select or unselect the box for each feature.  Once you have defined your user roles, then you can assign each employee a role from the Employees screen.  While you cannot add a new user role or edit the name of a user role, you can define the features you want to associate to each user role.

Refer to Understanding Features & User Roles to learn what assigning and unassigning features will mean to your users.

Select EMPLOYEES > USER ROLES to display the User Roles screen.  The User Roles screen has a lot of information on it, so we are showing portions of the screen for your reference.  Make the feature selections for the user roles that best fit your business needs and then select Save.


User-added image

User-added image

User-added image

User-added image