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Editing Multiple Items/Batch Update 

This feature allows you to select a group of items and make updates to them all at once without having to open each individual item record.  Item attributes that can be changed using this feature are: price, category, tax category, printer group, vendor, and availability at POS.  This feature can also be used to delete multiple items at one time. 

To use this feature:

  1. In the Back Office, go to INVENTORY CATEGORIES & ITEMS.

  2. Under your category list, click the Edit Multiple Items button.

  3. Search by category or by item name/description for the items you want to update.

  4. Select the checkbox next to any items you want to change.

  5. In the dropdown boxes on the right, select the new value(s) you want to update your items with.

  6. Press Save Changes.

  7. On the confirmation message, press OK to save or Cancel to go back and make additional changes.

 Note: Using this feature to update the prices for items priced by variation will result in all variation prices being updated to the price entered.

keywords: batch update, edit items, multiple items,