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If your existing customer data is stored in another file or format, such as Excel, you can easily transfer the information to your NCR Silver account.
  1. Log into the NCR Silver Back Office and click the Customers tab. Then click the Customers section underneath the main tab.

  2. Click the Import Customers button at the bottom of the screen.  This will open the Import Customers screen. Do one of two thing:

    • If you have no existing customers: Click the  button in the View/Download Sample File header to display a sample customer file, then click on the image to download the sample file titled Customers.csv to your computer.

    • If you have customers already: Export you customer list and any new customers. You can also edit existing data to update customers in your system. Be careful that you do not erase any fields, data or information that should not be changed or deleted form the original customer list because once the new list is imported, the edits will override the existing data.

  3. Copy your customer data into the sample file or modify an existing customer list to match the format of sample file.  Save the file to your local computer.

  4. Click Browse to Select File, select your customer data file, and click Open.

  5. Click the Review Customer List button at the bottom of the screen and review the data in your customer file when it displays on the screen.

  6. Make any edits to the data on the screen, and when you are satisfied with your customer data, click the Import Customer List button  at the bottom of the screen.

  7. The system will then display a message that indicates the number of customers you are about to import.  Click Yes to start the import.

  8. When the import is finished, the Import Details screen displays the results of the import, including the number of customers that were successfully imported and the number of customers that could not be imported.  Review the customer records that were not imported, so you can make the necessary corrections to your customer data file and import them again.

  9. Click the Exit button at the bottom of the screen to close the Import Customers page.

  10. Click refresh button to display the newly-imported customers in the Customers list.