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Company Information

The first thing you should do in the Back Office is enter primary contact information about your company or store.  

company information ncr silver back office

  1. Click the SettingsUser-added image icon at the top-right corner of the screen.
  2. Enter the Name and Email for the primary contact person for your company. NOTE: Some of these fields may already be filled in based on information you provided during your initial registration. If needed, you can edit the pre-filled information.

  3. Enter your Business Name.

  4. Click the Business Type dropdown list and select one of the items from the list.

  5. Optional: Enter your company's Website URL.This will display on your printed and emailed receipts.

  6. Enter the email address your want your customers see as the "from" address on your email marketing messages in the From Email box.

  7. Click the Save button.


Keywords: company information, back office settings, adding information in back office, back office basics