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As you add customers to your database through the POS app, you view and edit customer information in Silver Back Office. Additionally, you can add customers to your database in Silver Back Office.  

To view a list of your customers, in Silver Back Office, select CUSTOMERS > CUSTOMERS. Select any customer to view their information or to review any associated notes.

Adding a Customer

You can also add a customer in Silver Back Office.

  1. In Silver Back Office, select CUSTOMERS > CUSTOMERS.
  2. Click Add A Customer.
  3. Type the customer name. The system only requires a customer name to save the record.
  4. (Optional) Enter customer information, as necessary.
  5. (Optional) Assign the customer to a customer category from the drop-down list.
​To add a new customer category, select Add New from the drop-down list, type a category name, a description, and click Save Changes.
  1. (Optional) Select Marketing Opt-Out if the customer does not want to receive marketing emails.
  2. Click Save Changes.

Editing Customer Information

You can also edit customer information in Silver Back Office.

  1. In Silver Back Office, select CUSTOMERS > CUSTOMERS.

User-added image

  1. Select the customer you wish to edit. The Edit customer dialog appears.
  2. Edit the customer information, as necessary.
  3. (Optional) Assign the customer to a customer category from the drop-down list.
  4. Click Save Changes.

Removing a Customer

You can remove a customer from the database.

  1. In Silver Back Office, select CUSTOMERS > CUSTOMERS.
  2. Select the customer you wish to remove. The Edit customer dialog appears.
  3. Click Remove Customer.
  4. Click OK. The system removes the customer from the database.