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Bar Code Label Printing

Although there is no official integration, you can use the Dymo LabelWriter 450 and Dymo's Label software to print labels from the Back Office using the steps below.

Getting Started

  1. Download the Dymo Label software for your operating system from the Downloads page on the Dymo website (
  2. Contact our Customer Team ([email protected] or 1-877-270-3475) and request the Dymo label templates.

  • Bookspine (1" x 1.5") 

  • Small (1" x 2.125")

  • Medium (1.25" x 2.25")
  1. When you receive the templates from the Customer Care team, save them to your computer.

Downloading Your Categories & Items from the Back Office​

  1. From the Back Office, select RESULTS  > REPORTS > Lists > Items.

  2. Click the export dropdown arrow and select CSV (comma demlimted) from the list and click Export.  Save the file to your computer.

Opening the Bar Code Label Template

  1. Double-click on the label template you saved to your computer.  This will open the Dymo Label software with the correct format for your label.

  2. In the Dymo Label software, select File > Import Data and Print > New.

  3. Click Next on the Getting Started wizard.

  4. Click Browse and locate the item list you downloaded from the Back Office and click Next.


Mapping Data & Generating Bar Code Labels

  1. To map the data from your item list to the fields in the label template, drag-and-drop the spreadsheet field headers into the appropriate section of the label template.

  2. Drag Field 4 (the field containing your bar code) to the top section of the label template.  Make sure you delete the space after the bar code (shown as a blue dot), or the system won't recognize the bar code.

  3. Drag Field 2 or Field 3 (Item Name or Item Description) to the  middle section of the template.

  4. Drag Field 7 (Item Price) to the bottom section of the template.

  5. When all sections are filled in, click Next.

Printing Bar Co​de Labels

  1. Select the labels you want to print.  Uncheck the box next to any item that you don't want to print a bar code label.

  2. Click Print.