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Customers & Your Loyalty Program

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To maximize your use of our loyalty program, please turn on the customer prompt on the POS Settings screen. Prompting to Assign Customers

Once you turn on your loyalty program in the Silver Back Office, your customers are automatically enrolled.  While your customers can opt out of email marketing, they are not able to opt out of your loyalty program.

Customers will see their loyalty reward progress on their receipt and on the screen (if digital signature capture is enabled).

Customers can be assigned to tickets by searching for their:  name, address, email address, and/or phone number.  

To view a customer's loyalty history in the Back Office:

  1. Select Customers from the primary back office tabs

  2. Click Customers from the bar of sub tabs

  3. Click on the customer's name to view their detailed information.

  4. Click Loyalty Program

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To view a customer's loyalty history from the POS app:
  1. You can access customers from the slide out menu or from a tab on the Ticket Entry screen.

  2. Enter a name, address, phone number or email into the search bar.

  3. Tap on the customer's name to view the customer's detailed record in the right panel. Here, you can view customer’s history and recent sales.

  4. The Customer Info displays by default, but you can use the additional tabs to view customer profile, notes.

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