Orders and Checks | NCR Silver NCR Silver
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Understanding Order Methods

Quick Service operations and Table Service operations using the POS enables you to quickly enter orders, collect customer information, accept payments, and much more. 

Navigation options — Tap to return to the previous screen, tap to display a slide out menu, or tap to log out of the app. 

Assign customer — Tap Assign customer to attach a customer name to the order. Use this button to capture customer information. 

Order number — Indicates the order number for the order. You can also use this to name an order. 

Guest check — Displays the items ordered. 

Check total — Displays the subtotal, the tax, the discounts, if any, and the total amount due. 

Action buttons — Tap a button to initiate an action for the order. 

Connection status — Tap to view the connection status of the device to the host, to the Silver Server, if configured, and to the credit processor. A green signal indicates online, a yellow signal indicates unstable, and a red signal indicates unreachable. Action buttons enable you to synchronize data, enter offline mode, and return to online mode. 

Item Search — Tap to initiate a search for an item. 

Items — Tap an item to add it to the order. Swipe left to right or right to left to display more items. 

Categories— Tap a category to display a list of available items from that category. 


You enter items for a customer order at the order entry screen. As you select items for order, they appear from the guest check. 

  1. At the POS home screen, tap Point of Sale. The order entry screen appears.
  2. Tap a category on the bottom right side of the screen to change the category of items that appear on the top right side of the screen. 

If you have set up favorites in the back office, your favorites category will always appear first. 

You can also tap Item Search on the top right side of the device to search for an item. 

  1. Tap an item to add it to the guest check. If modifiers or variables exist for the item, a selection screen appears; otherwise, the item appears on the guest check.
  2. Finalize the order. The following actions send an order to the kitchen:
  • Tap Pay.
  • Tap Send.
  • Tap logout icon.PNG to log out.
  • Tap image.png to return to the POS home screen.
  • Press the home button on your device. 


You can easily convert an order to a takeout or delivery order. You can also tender to the order as a takeout order. At the guest check screen, tap Change to Takeout. A pop-up appears with the following options: 

  • Pay as Takeout — Tap to pay the dine in order as a takeout order. The system recalculates the taxes and remains at the guest check screen.
  • Move to Takeout Queue — Tap to convert the order to a takeout order. The system prompts you to assign a customer, if you have not already done so, and to select a target time before moving the order to the takeout queue.
  • Move to Delivery Queue — Tap to convert the order to a delivery order. The system prompts you to assign a customer, if you have not already done so, and to select a target time before moving the order to the delivery queue.
  • Cancel — Tap to cancel the conversion of the dine in order. 


The Phone/Drive Thru home screen of the POS enables you to create, manage, and track takeout and delivery orders. 


Navigation options — Tap a button to navigate the app. Tap to return to the previous screen, tap to see a slide out menu, or tap to log out of the app. 

Open orders — Tap one of the order type tabs to see a list of open orders for the specified order mode. The number inside the parentheses next to the order mode indicates the number of open orders. 

Search field — Enter a customer name or phone number to search for an existing takeout or delivery order. 

Order target time — Indicates the promise time for the order. 

Connection status — Indicates the connection status of the device to the host, and Server, if configured. A green 

signal indicates connected, and a red signal indicates disconnected. 

New Order Buttons — Tap to initiate a new order. Available order types are configurable in the back office. 

  • Takeout
  • Delivery
  • Catering
  • Drive Thru
  • Dine-in 

Pending Online Orders — Tap to review online orders which have not yet downloaded to the takeout or delivery queue. 


You enable additional order modes in Back Office. Access Settings > Store > Store Options, select the order mode you wish to enable, and click Save. You can configure additional charges associated with the order type if needed. 

Access the Phone/Drive Thru home screen on the device by tapping Takeout/Delivery at the POS home screen. It is necessary to activate a financial shift prior to accessing the Takeout and Delivery home screen. 


Phone/ Drive Thru orders require a customer name and phone number, and delivery orders require a customer name, phone number, and address. 

The app does not calculate a promise time. The app prompts you to enter a target time for the order, which is the time for the order to be ready for pickup or for a driver to leave the store with the items. 


  1. At the Phone/ Drive Thru home screen, tap the desired New Order Button on the right of the screen.
  2. Enter a customer name or phone number in the search field. The app populates the CUSTOMER RESULTS field with potential matches.


  1. Certain customer information is required based on the order type you select. Tap a customer name in the search results to assign a customer to the order, 


Tap New Customer to add a customer. The New customer screen appears. Enter the customer information, and tap Save

Once you select a customer, the order entry screen appears. 

For delivery orders, tap the customer name on the top left side of the order entry screen and verify the customer address information for the delivery. If necessary, tap Edit customer to edit the address information. 


  1. Tap the items to include on the order.
  2. Tap PAY. The Order Target Time screen appears. Catering, Drive Thru, and Dine In orders do not require a target time. 


  1. Scroll to select the hours, minutes, and time period, or use ’-’ and ’+’ to select a target time for order completion.
  2. Tap Done.
  3. Finalize the order by tapping or by tapping PAY to enter payment information. 


Search for a customer order when you need to close the order, to apply a payment to an order, or when a customer wants to modify an open order. You can also tap Takeout or Delivery to view a list of open orders for the selected order mode. 

  1. At the Phone/Drive Thru home screen, tap one of the open order type tabs.
  2. Tap the search field.
  3. Enter a customer name or phone number. The matching results appear.
  4. Tap the desired customer in the search results field. The order entry screen appears. 


In some instances, you may need to adjust the order target time for an open order. 

  1. At the Phone/Drive Thru home screen, select the order type tab search for the customer order.
  2. In the search results, tap the time next to the customer name. The Order Target Time screen appears.
  3. Scroll to select the hours, minutes, and time period, or use ’-’ and ’+’ to select a target time for order completion or delivery.
  4. Tap Done


You can easily transfer a takeout/delivery order to a table or a tab (Table Service) or to a saved order (Quick Service). 

  1. At the Takeout and Delivery home screen, tap Takeout or Delivery.
  2. Search for the customer order and tap the order to select it. The order entry screen appears. 


  1. Tap Change to Dine In. A pop-up appears: 
  • Pay as Dine In — Tap to pay the takeout/delivery order as a dine in order. The system recalculates the taxes and remains at the guest check screen.
  • Move to Tab (Table Service only) — Tap to move the takeout/delivery order to a tab. The tab screen appears. 

Tap Add Tab. The Name Tab dialog appears. Confirm the name, or change the name for the tab, and tap OK

  • Move to Table (Table Service only) — Tap to move the takeout/delivery order to a table. The floor plan appears. Tap the room for which you want to transfer the order and tap the table to which you want to transfer the order. 
  • Store Order as Dine In (Quick Service only) — Tap to move the takeout/delivery order to the saved orders queue.
  • Cancel — Tap cancel to stop the conversion of the takeout/delivery order. 


When you use online ordering with the POS you are able to reach more customers and better serve your current customers. The system provides an application programming interface (API), which a third-party online ordering system uses to submit orders to your host. The Back Office manages the online orders by sending them to the takeout and delivery queue of the Point-of-Sale (POS) app. When the online order arrives at the POS app, the system prints a kitchen chit with the order details. You finalize your online orders from the takeout and delivery queue as you would a normal takeout and delivery order. 


You work with online orders in the POS app. When an order reaches the download threshold time limit, the host releases the order to the POS app. For takeout orders, the download threshold time limit is 30 minutes, and for delivery orders, the limit is 60 minutes. For example, if the target time for a takeout order is 11:45, the host sends the order to the POS app at 11:15. 

The POS app requires an Internet connection to receive online orders when they reach the download threshold limit. Without an Internet connection, the POS app cannot receive the online orders. If necessary, you can pull the online order to the device that has not yet downloaded to the device, rather than waiting for the order to reach the threshold time limit. 

When the POS app receives an online order from the host, the configured printer prints a kitchen chit, identifying the order as an online order, and the following information:

  • Identifies the specific order type.
  • Identifies the order as an ‘ONLINE ORDER.’
  • Provides the target time for the order.
  • Includes the customer name and information. For delivery orders, this includes the delivery address.
  • Includes the order notes, if any.
  • Identifies the items for order, and notes, if any. 



You complete online orders from the takeout and delivery queue of the POS app. You complete the orders the same as you would a normal takeout and delivery order, except with online orders, the customer may have already paid for the order. If the customer paid for the order online, the tender type appears as ONLINE on the guest check, includes the amount paid, and indicates an amount due, if any. 

In some cases, online orders for a restaurant may be set to auto-close fully paid orders. In this scenario, when the POS receives the fully paid online order, in addition to the kitchen chit printing, the POS prints a customer receipt and closes the order. 

  1. At the Takeout/Delivery screen, select the order. The guest check screen appears.\ 


  1. Tap Pay. The tender screen appears.
  2. If the customer paid for the order online, ‘ONLINE’ appears as the tender type and the amount due is ‘$0.00.’ Tap Close to complete the order. 


If the customer owes money for the order, an amount due appears on the guest check. Receive payment for the order, and tap Close.

The system returns to the Takeout/Delivery screen. 


In some instances, such as a same day order for later in the day, you may wish to pull an online order to the device for processing. When you pull the order to the device, a prompt appears allowing you to change the target time for the order. Although you can view future day orders, you can only pull same day online orders. 


  1. From the Takeout/Delivery screen, tap Pending Online Orders. 


The Online Orders screen appears with the online orders that have not yet downloaded to the device because they have not reached the target threshold time.

For orders listed on the Pending Online Orders screen, you can only view the target time, order name, and ticket number. To view ticket details, access POS Transactions in your Back Office. 

  1. Tap Send next to the order you want to process. A Send Online Order prompt appears.
  2. Tap YES. The Order Target Time screen appears with the target time assigned to the order.
  3. Tap Done to accept the target time 


Scroll to select the hour, minutes, and time period, or use ‘-’ and ‘+’ to select a target time for order completion. 

A kitchen chit prints to the defined printer. The system removes the order from the Online Orders screen and places it in the Takeout or Delivery queue, depending on the order type. 

  1. Tap Close. 


The POS enables you to accept future day online orders. When the customer elects to pay in the store, the system manages these future day orders as it does same day orders. The system holds the order until it meets the download time threshold limit, and then it sends the order to the POS app. When the customer pays online for a future day order, the system handles the order as follows:

  • The system creates two separate tickets on the host.
  • The first ticket is for the business date on which the customer placed the order. This ticket contains only one-line item representing the pre-payment with a positive amount and a payment record for the amount. The receipt displays ‘ONLINE’ as the payment type and the POS Transactions Payments description is ’Pre-Payment.’
  • The system then creates a second ticket for the order due date. The second ticket contains the actual line items ordered by the customer. The receipt reflects the tender type as ‘PPD-ONLINE’ and the POS Transactions Payments description is ‘Prepaid.’
  • On the Store Summary report, ONLINE represent an actual payment whereas PPD-ONLINE is the application of a previous payment to the ticket. 


In some scenarios, you may need to cancel an online order once the system downloads it into the POS app. When you void an order for which a customer paid online, this can create a financial reconciliation discrepancy between the online ordering system and the host computing system.

  1. Select the order from the Takeout and Delivery queue. The guest check screen appears.
  2. Tap Void Ticket. A prompt appears.
  3. Tap Yes. If your user role does not allow you to void the ticket, the ‘Supervisor’s approval needed’ screen appears, and a manager must enter their four-digit PIN to void the ticket.
  4. The system returns to the Takeout and Delivery queue. 


  1. With the guest check active, tap PAY. The tender screen appears.


  1. Tap Equal Amounts and enter the number of guests splitting the payment.
  2. Tap Done to return to the tender screen. The new tickets appear under Equal Amounts.
  3. Continue to close the check. 


Printing the Guest Check 

  1. With the guest check active, tap PAY to access the tender screen. The Print button replaces the Pay button.
  2. Tap Print. The receipt prints to the defined printer.
  3. Tap Back to Items to return to the guest check. 

Reprinting or Emailing A Receipt 

You can reprint or email a receipt for a customer. 

  1. Tap pancake icon.png to display the slide out menu.
  2. Tap Recall/Reprint.
  3. Under Completed Tickets, tap the ticket to reprint or email. The ‘Receipt’ screen appears.
  4. Tap Email receipt to email a copy to the customer. The ‘Email receipt’ screen appears. Tap the customer to which to email the receipt, or tap to the right of the customer name to edit the customer information prior to emailing the receipt. 


Tap Print receipt to print a receipt for the customer. 


Often times, cashier’s operating a QS restaurant will attempt to end their shift while they still have ownership of some open transactions, like a phone order. You can use the Take Ownership function to transfer open orders to a different employee before closing the shift. Employees will need both “Recall Any Order” and “Order Ownership” activated to take ownership. 

  1. From the ticket entry screen or the slide out menu, tap Recall.
  2. Search for and tap on the open order.
  3. Tap Take Ownership.

Alternately, during the End Shift process, the departing cashier can give ownership of all open orders to another employee. 

During the End Shift process, if open orders exists, the departing employee will see a message prompting them to transfer open orders. 


  1. Tap Transfer Orders.
  2. Select an employee from the list that appears. The list includes all employees with an active financial shift.
Either the employee receiving the open order or a manager with the “Order Ownership” permission will need to enter their POS PIN to complete the transfer. 


Use the Delete Ticket function to void an entire ticket. Use caution when using the Delete Ticket function. 

  1. With the guest check active, tap Delete Ticket. The ‘Void ticket’ screen appears

For split checks, you delete each check individually, or tap All On One to combine all the tickets together, and then delete the one ticket. 

  1. Tap Yes. Obtain manager authorization, if necessary. 


Depending on your configuration, you can close a check to cash, check, credit card, gift card, and prepaid coupons. The manner in which you close a check to credit card can vary depending on whether you are using a credit card reader (MSR) or an EMV terminal. 

Closing a Check to Cash 

  1. With the guest check active, tap PAY to access the tender screen. 

If the checks are split, select the correct check before you apply the payment. The selected ticket number appears in green. 

  1. Tap a Quick Cash Amount. The change due amount appears in the guest check. Continue to step three. 


Tap Cash. The ‘Amount’ screen appears. Enter the amount received and tap Done. The change due amount appears in the guest check. 


  1. Tap Close to close the check. 

The system advances to the next ticket, or if there are no other checks to close, the order entry screen appears. 

Closing a Check to a Gift Card 

  1. With the guest check active, tap PAY to access the tender screen.
  2. Slide the gift card through the card reader. If the gift card balance is not sufficient to pay the remaining balance, return to the tender screen to select another method of payment. If the gift card contains a remaining balance, the amount prints on the customer receipt.

Note: You have the option to use the POS device’s camera to scan QR-coded gift cards (like from a third-party loyalty application). Press Camera on the gift card payment screen, and scan the QR code with the camera. The gift card number will populate and you can proceed.