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NCR Console - Other Reports Overview

December 19, 2016


The Other Reports section of NCR Console’s Advanced Reporting module contains reports that allow you to analyze discount details, employee and store performance, red flags, sales summary and tender type information.

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Discount Details:  Allows you to view discount name, where the discount is applied, quantity, sales prior to discount, discount amount, sales after discount and ticket total after discount for any date range you run

Discounts By Employee:  Allows you to view discount details by employee for any date range you run

Employee Productivity:  Allows you to view net sales, hours worked, transaction total and average invoice per employee for any date range you run

Red Flag Report:  Allows you to view average invoice amounts, discount totals, cleared ticket information, refund totals, price changes, cleared item information, etc. per employee for any date range you run

Shift Details:  Allows you to view shift details such as start and end times, overs/shorts, pay ins/pay outs, and cash deposits for each employee for any date range you run

Store ProductivityAllows you to view net sales and hours worked for all employees for any date range you run

Summary ReportAllows you to view gross sales, net discounts, total sales, refunds, net sales, gift card sales, taxes, receipts, donations, gift cards sold, hours works, credit card sales, net invoice amounts, average invoice amount, labor cost and labor percentage for any date range you run

Tender Type ReportAllows you to view tender type information for any date range you run

To get to Other Repots, log into NCR Console, go to the Reports tab and click Other Reports

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Other Reports Overview.pdf