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Depending on the loyalty program provider, you can assign customers to a guest check by phone number, member id, scanning a bar code or QR code, or by swiping a loyalty card. The Silver host communicates with the loyalty program provider to confirm the customer as a loyalty customer. Depending on your loyalty program, when the customer earns a reward, the loyalty program provider may either send a notification to the Silver host or they may send a discount coupon to the customer.

To confirm a customer as a loyalty program member and to retrieve rewards on behalf of customers requires an Internet connection for the POS app, and that the loyalty program provider host be online.

Assigning a Customer to a Guest Check when Using a Third-Party Loyalty Program

When using a third-party loyalty program, and assigning a customer to a guest check, the Silver host checks with your loyalty program host to confirm the customer as a loyalty customer. If the Silver host cannot reach the loyalty provider, you can still assign the customer to the guest check; however, the Silver host cannot confirm the presence of the customer account with the loyalty program provider. The Silver host continues to attempt to reach the loyalty program provider, and when it does so, the Silver host transmits the customer and transaction information to the loyalty program provider, provided the customer has a loyalty program account.

If the Silver host cannot reach the loyalty provider, you can still assign the customer to the guest check; however, the Silver host cannot confirm the presence of the customer account with the loyalty program provider. The Silver host continues to attempt to reach the loyalty program provider, and when it does so, the Silver host transmits the customer and transaction information to the loyalty program provider, provided the customer has a loyalty program account.

If the customer has earned loyalty rewards, the Loyalty host may send those to the POS. An automatic reward requires no action on the part of the employee to add the reward discount to the check, whereas prompted loyalty rewards can require an employee to apply the reward or to select a reward amount.


User-added image
  1. With the guest check active, tap Pay.

    User-added image

    2. Tap Loyalty. The Loyalty screen appears with loyalty customer search options.

    User-added image

    At the Customer screen, type the customer phone number without dashes or the customer member ID.
    Tap Barcode. The barcode screen appears. Scan the customer barcode or QR code using the iPad camera. When the iPad camera recognizes the code, a green rectangular box appears and the POS initiates a search. You can also type the barcode number and tap Done.
    Tap Swipe Card and swipe the loyalty card through the MSR or type the loyalty card number and tap Done.
    When the POS initiates a search, a spinning Lookup dialog appears while the Silver host attempts to confirm the customer account with the loyalty program provider.

    User-added image

    If the customer exists in the loyalty program, the POS app assigns the customer to the guest check, executes a check for any loyalty rewards, and a customer profile appears.

    If the customer does not exist in the loyalty program, a prompt appears. Tap OK. You can either search for the customer again, activate a loyalty account for the customer if your program allows you to do so at the POS, or tap Cancel to return to the guest check.

    3. Tap Loyalty Rewards. The Loyalty host may send a loyalty discount reward to the POS. These rewards may be automatic or optional. Automatic rewards apply to the guest check with no action required on your part. Optional rewards can require you to apply the reward or allow you to change the amount of the reward to a lesser amount. Additionally, these rewards may apply to a line item or to the ticket.

    Check with your loyalty program provider to confirm the details of how customers receive loyalty rewards.

    If no Internet connection exists for the POS app, or if the loyalty program provider host is offline, the POS app cannot retrieve earned customer rewards and apply them to the guest check.

    User-added image

    Rewards with a strikethrough across them and a User-added image   to the right of the amount require you to select the checkbox to apply the reward. When you select the checkbox, the system removes the strikethrough.

    Rewards for a prompted amount contain a User-added image to the right of the amount. The POS applies the entire amount possible. If the customer chooses to use a lesser amount, tap
    User-added image and a reward amount screen appears. Type the new amount and tap Done. The system returns to the Loyalty Rewards screen.

    Rewards with nothing to the right of the amount are automatic rewards. They require no action from the employee to apply them to the guest check.

    Tap Done. The  POS returns to the payment screen.

    4. Close the check as normal.

Activating a Loyalty Account

Some loyalty providers allow you to activate a loyalty account from the POS.

  1. With the guest check active, tap Pay.
  2. Tap Loyalty. The Loyalty screen appears.
  3. Tap Activate Card. If you do not see Activate Card, you cannot activate a loyalty account from the POS.
  4. Swipe the loyalty card or type the loyalty card number and tap Done. A spinning dial appears as the POS seeks to activate the loyalty card. A prompt appears.
  5. Tap OK.


Adding a Transaction to a Loyalty Profile After Closing the Guest Check

In some situations, such as a customer deciding to join your loyalty program after you close the guest check or an employee forgetting to assign the customer to the guest check, a customer may be able to add the transaction to their loyalty profile, provided your loyalty program provider allows customers to do so AND your system prints the required barcode on the customer receipt. Some loyalty program providers provide an app for customers to download, and a customer can scan the barcode from the receipt into the app to have the transaction count toward their loyalty rewards. Check with your third-party loyalty program provider for details.